FQL v4 will be decommissioned on June 30, 2025. Ensure that you complete your migration from FQL v4 to FQL v10 by that date.

For more details, review the migration guide. Contact support@fauna.com with any questions.


The configuration for fauna-shell is an INI-format file that stores the configuration for endpoints. An endpoint specifies the domain, secret, and other options that can be used to run queries against any Fauna instance within the database associated with the secret.

For Linux, macOS, and other UNIX-like systems, the configuration file is located in $HOME/.fauna-shell. For Windows, the configuration file is located in %userprofile%\.fauna-shell.

Example configuration

A configuration file that defines multiple endpoints that would connect to a variety of Fauna instances might look like:





Summary of INI configuration:

  • Each section, identified by the square brackets, provides the name for an endpoint — called an endpoint alias — and lists the properties that provide the endpoint’s configuration.

  • A property uses the format name=value, which specifies the name of a property and its configured value.

  • When a property name is re-used in a section, the last definition is used.

Global properties

Configuration key Description

default=<endpoint alias>

Optional - Specifies the default endpoint to use when one is not specified with --endpoint. If default does not exist in the configuration file, and --endpoint is not used, an error occurs.

Endpoint-specific properties

Property Description

domain=<Fauna hostname>

Optional - The hostname of this endpoint’s Fauna instance. Defaults to db.fauna.com.


Optional - One of https or http. Defaults to https.


Optional - The UNIX port number of this endpoint’s Fauna instance. Defaults to 443.


The secret for a specific database.

The list of properties is not strictly enforced; additional properties can be included to help differentiate between endpoints, but these properties have no effect in fauna-shell.

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