FQL v4 will be decommissioned on June 30, 2025. Ensure that you complete your migration from FQL v4 to FQL v10 by that date.

For more details, review the migration guide. Contact support@fauna.com with any questions.

Query log

The Query Log feature gives you the ability to download and analyze raw query logs using the Dashboard, Shell, or API. The annotated, near real-time and historical logs give you database observability on specific parts of your environment over a given time interval.

You can then manually upload the logs to a third-party service and aggregate on specific properties, such as query-, UDF-, and index levels, using heuristics to understand usage at a query instance level.


Query log features include:

  • The ability to request and download query logs for a database or Region Group for a defined time range.

  • The ability to request query logs at the database level or the Region Group level by omitting the optional database parameter in the request. Query log requests are against a Region Group.

  • The ability to specify a W3C-compliant trace header for coordinating analysis across services.

  • The ability to tag queries to aid in debugging query workflows.

  • Configuring and downloading query logs can be done through an API and the UI.


  • There is currently a delay of 30 seconds to about ten minutes from when a query is executed to when it is available for export. Request logs for at least ten minutes in the past.

  • Logs can be requested for a maximum interval of 90 days. Logs can be requested up to a future date and are returned up to that date.

  • You can’t get logs for queries issued before January 18, 2023, or more than one year before today’s date.

  • Exports are available for download for up to seven days. New URLs can be created as many times as needed in the seven-day window.

  • Authentication and authorization require an account key.

  • For Dashboard query log operations, some logs might not include a database name.

  • For programmatic query log operations, some logs might include entries generated from the Dashboard.

  • Query log download links are valid until the expiration time indicated in the API request presigned_url_expiration_time field. A new URL is generated with every Dashboard log request, which allows you to extend the logs indefinitely.

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