Field definitions

Learn: Schema

Field definitions and schema migrations are in beta.

A schema migration is required to change a collection’s field definitions or wildcard constraint. By performing a schema migration, you automatically opt-in to the beta.

During beta, schema migrations triggers a rebuild of all of a collection’s indexes. This can make large indexes unusable for extended periods.

To register for the beta and sign up for production support, go to

Field definitions define fields for a collection's documents.

Field definitions are part of a collection’s document type definition.

collection Order {
  status: String? // Equivalent to `status: String | Null`
  cart: Array<{
    product: Ref<Product>?,
    quantity: Int?,
    price: Double?,
  creationDate: Time =
  deliveryAddress: {
    street: String?,
    city: String?,
    state: String?,
    zipCode: String?,
  creditCard: {
    network: "Visa" | "MasterCard" | "American Express"?,
    number: String?,


<fieldName>: <types>[ = <defaultValue>]


fieldName String Required

Document field name.

Use a wildcard (*) constraint to specify accepted data types for ad hoc fields. See Wildcard constraints.


Property Type Required Description




Accepted data types for the field. Separate multiple types by |.

Types must be persistable. Use Any to accept any persistable value. Use Ref<CollectionName> to accept a collection’s documents as a data type. Use the Union type to enumerate accepted field values. See Enumerated field values.

The ? (nullable) type annotation indicates the field accepts Null values. ? is equivalent to | Null.

Fields that accept Null are not guaranteed to exist in every document of the collection.



Default field value. Used if the field is missing or the field value is null.

Can be an FQL expression. The expression can have no effect other than to:

Fauna evaluates the expression at write time.

You can use a document as a default value. See Default to a document.

Wildcard constraints

When you add field definitions to a collection, the collection’s documents can only contain the defined fields. To accept arbitrary ad hoc fields, add a wildcard (*) constraint:

collection Order {
  // Only accept ad hoc fields with `String` or `Int` values
  *: String | Int

Ad hoc fields must conform to the wildcard constraint’s accepted data types.

A collection can only have one wildcard constraint. You can’t specify a default value for a wildcard.

A wildcard constraint is part of a collection’s document type definition.

Schemaless by default

If a collection has no field definitions, it implicitly accepts ad hoc fields of any type. This is equivalent to:

collection Order {
  // Contains no field definitions
  *: Any

This means the collection is schemaless. The collection’s documents can contain any field.

Permissive document type

If a collection has both field definitions and a wildcard constraint, it has a permissive document type. The collection’s documents can contain ad hoc fields. However, fields must conform to the structure of their definitions.

collection Order {
  // Contains field definitions and a wildcard constraint
  status: String?
  *: Any

Strict document type

If a collection has field definitions but doesn’t have a wildcard constraint, it does not accept documents with ad hoc fields. This is called a strict document type.

collection Order {
  // Contains no wildcard constraint
  status: String?



Use Array<…​> to accept Array values:

collection Product {
  categories: Array<String>?

To accept an object array:

collection Customer {
  addresses: Array<{
    street: String?,
    city: String?,
    state: String?,
    zipCode: String?,

Default to today’s date

Use to set today’s date as a default value:

collection Product {
  creationDate: Date =

Fauna evaluates the expression at write time.

Default to the current time

Use to set the current time as a default value:

collection Product {
  creationTime: Time =

Fauna evaluates the expression at write time.

Default to a unique ID

Use newId() to use a unique ID as the default value. You must cast the ID to a String using toString():

collection Product {
  productId: String = newId().toString()

If used, Fauna generates a unique ID value for each document.

Default to a document

You can use a document as a backfill value:

collection Product {
  // Default `store` to a `Store` collection document.
  // Replace `400684606016192545` with a `Store` document ID.
  store: Ref<Store> = Store("400684606016192545")

Fauna doesn’t guarantee the document exists. You can’t fetch the document using an FQL expression.

Document relationships

Use Ref<CollectionName> to accept a collection’s documents as a data type:

collection Product {
  // Accepts `Store` collection documents and `null`
  store: Ref<Store>?

Documents may contain references to documents that don’t exist. These are called dangling references.

Enumerated field values

To accept enumerated values:

collection Customer {
  status: "silver" | "gold" | "platinum"?

Nested objects

To define a field containing a nested object:

collection Order {
  deliveryAddress: {
    street: String?,
    city: String?,
    state: String?,
    zipCode: String?,

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